With the influence of digital technology, human society became significantly different. Correspondently the nature of philanthropic organizations’ accountability differed. The author firstly introduced the development path and characteristics of digital technologies, and how technologies were used in philanthropic organizations. Secondly the author defined philanthropic organization’s accountability, exploring salient stakeholders and accountability practices. Thirdly, the current status and trends of philanthropic accountability of US, UK and China were described, such as more intensified monitoring by government, the turning point of designing disclosure scheme and evidence-based communication. Furthermore the limits of development resulted from the social and political environment were analyzed respectively.
Lastly the research clarified the context of philanthropic accountability in Taiwan. Due to the policy focus on boosting economy, the second sector was well developed in line with global standards. Whereas the third sector was not included on the national development blueprint and regulations had not updated for more than a decade. The unique social capital and the world-leading Internet infrastructure of Taiwan had laid the foundation to a digital society. However the philanthropic organizations could hardly meet the elevated demand for accountability from stakeholders. Lack of incentives, enforcements and standards led to the relatively low transparency. Under such circumstances, there was little room for the development of both heteronomy and self-regulation schemes. Disputes between the third sector and citizens were widened and spread extensively, inducing public trust crisis of some well-known large organizations.
The policy suggestion from this study includes: passing The Foundation Act, amending The Law of Fund-Raising, providing administration incentives and enacting the accounting principles for nonprofits, and fostering cooperation and interaction among sectors. Moreover, philanthropic organizations should design the performance assessment scheme, invite stakeholders to dialogues and participation, educate the public and develop digital strategies. As such, the social governance can be strengthened and the sustainability can be further guaranteed.
Keywords: accountability, transparency, governance, digital, nonprofit organization (NPO), sustainability